Monday 23 November 2009

Ketamine Addiction


Ketamine, or K, is a fast-acting 'dissociative anesthetic'. Rather than blocking pain like traditional painkillers, it shuts off the brain from the body. With the brain no longer processing information from nerve pathways, awareness expands resulting in a hallucinogenic state.

Since 1970, it has been popular in medicine in the UK and US and all over the world as a safe anesthetic for children and the elderly.(1) It is also used by vets on animals for short operations, hence it being dubbed a "horse tranquilizer". Find out more about Ketamine's use in medicine here.


Ketamine comes in three main forms. The most common form is white powder which is snorted. It looks like cocaine but is smoother and less likely to form hard rocks or a flowery texture if damp.

Most users start out by taking Ketamine in powdered form as it allows them to introduce themselves to the drug with small amounts.


Ketamine also appears intermittently in tablet or capsule form, often masquerading as a brand of Ecstasy with the same meaningless 'dove' or 'mitsubishi' logos.

Ketamine pills are usually very diluted and cut with a stimulant like ephedrine (a natural amphetamine-like chemical) to produce a mildly trippy speedy effect.

Ketamine sold as Ecstasy may be the origin of the "smacky pills" legend.


Ketamine Hydrochloride, intended for use as a hospital anesthetic, is sold in liquid form in small 10ml bottles, often with the brand names Ketaset, Ketavet and Ketalar.

Some recreational Ketamine users inject this liquid. We strongly advise against injecting Ketamine intravenously. You could pass out immediately.

Avoid drinking it as well. Liquid Ketamine is very hard on the stomach. Profuse vomiting is possible. If you pass out, you may choke on your vomit.

Do not mix with alcohol.


Ck1 is a combination of cocaine or crack cocaine (smokeable cocaine mixed with sodium bicarbonate) and ketamine. The cocaine roots the user in the real world and counters the tendency for higher doses of K to send you into a conscious, paralyzed state.

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